Virtual HSOA Registration

Welcome to the Virtual Healthy Steps for Older Adults (v-HSOA) registration page. Please complete the form below to register for one of the two V-HSOA Certified Workshop Leader (CWL) trainings:

V-HSOA Upgrade Training is for individuals who have a current Classroom HSOA CWL certification and wish to also be certified to deliver the program virtually. The training is one day, delivered virtually.

V-HSOA CWL Training is for individuals who do not have a current Classroom HSOA CWL certification. The V-HSOA certification does not allow individuals to deliver the program in the classroom. The training is two days, delivered virtually.

Note that HSOA Certified Workshop Leaders must be affiliated with a AAA as AAA staff, AAA Senior Center staff, AAA contractor or AAA volunteer.

Participants MUST access the virtual classroom sessions using a device that has both audio and video capabilities. Participants are expected to be on video throughout the entire training.

Please complete the form below to register.

Virtual HSOA Registration

As a reminder, participants taking the two-day V-HSOA CWL training must complete the three HSOA online training modules PRIOR to attending the instructor-led training. To complete the training, go to:

  • PDA LMS Training Portal – User Login.
  • Once logged in, select Course Catalog.
  • Select HSOA Training.
    • If HSOA Training does not appear in your Course Catalog, you can add that training category by clicking the link at the top of the Course Catalog page.
  • Select HSOA CWL Training Course.
  • Complete Modules 1, 2, and 3.
  • Upon completion of the course (5 green arrows), you will earn a certificate of completion.

If you do not already have a training account, you can request one from your local Health & Wellness Coordinator at your local Area Agency on Aging.